This workshop repair service manual PDF download for the 412S, 414S, 416S JCB Wheeled Loading Shovel has been prepared as an aid to improve the quality of repairs by giving the serviceman an accurate understanding of the product and by showing him the correct way to perform repairs and make judgements. Make sure you understand the contents of this manual and use it to fully at every opportunity.
JCB Wheeled Loading Shovel 412S - from machine serial number 535000
JCB Wheeled Loading Shovel 414S - from machine serial number 537000
JCB Wheeled Loading Shovel 416S - from machine serial number 543000
Section 1 - General Information
Section 2 - Care and Safety
Section 3 - Routine Maintenance
Section B - Body and Framework
Section C - Electrics
Section E - Hydraulics
Section F - Transmission
Section G - Brakes
Section H - Hydraulic Steering
Section K - Engine
File Format : PDF
Language : English
Printable : Yes
Searchable : Yes
Bookmarked : Yes
P/N : 9803/4170-14
Total Pages : 1103
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Section 1 - General Information
General Information
About this Publication
Identifying your Machine
Identification Plates
Identification Plate
Explanation of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Unit Identification
Typical Engine Identification Number
Transmission Identification
Torque Settings
Zinc Plated Fasteners (golden finish)
UNF Grade `S' Bolts
Metric Grade 8.8 Bolts
Rivet Nut Bolts/Screws
JCB Standard Torque Settings B.S.P. Port Connection (Colour Coded)
JCB Standard Torque Settings for Hose Ends and Flanged Fittings (Colour Coded)
Service Tools
Numerical List Section B - Body and Framework
Tool Detail Reference Section B - Body and Framework
Numerical List Section C - Electrics
Tool Detail Reference Section C - Electrics
Numerical List Section E - Hydraulics
Tool Detail Reference Section E- Hydraulics
Numerical List Section F - Transmission
Tool Detail Reference Section F - Transmission
Numerical List Section K - Engine
Tool Detail Reference Section K - Engine
Service Consumables
Sealing and Retaining Compounds
Section 2 - Care and Safety
Care and Safety
Safety Check List
Safety Notices
Safety - Yours and Others
General Safety
Operating Safety
Maintenance Safety
Safety Decals
Section 3 - Routine Maintenance
Routine Maintenance
Routine Maintenance
Lubricants and Capacities - Pre-Smoothshift Transmission
Lubricants and Capacities - Smoothshift Transmission
Lubricants and Capacities - Tier 2 Engines with Smoothshift
Lubricants and Capacities - 414S From 537400 & 416S From 543250
Health and Safety
First Aid - Electrolyte
Service Schedules
Bucket Pivot Points
Loader Arm Pivot Points
Centre Pivot and Steering Ram
Quickhitch Locking Pins
Loader Arm Safety Strut
Installing the Loader Arm Safety Strut
Removing the Loader Arm Safety Strut
Articulation Lock
Installing the Articulation Lock
Removing the Articulation Lock
Hydraulic System
Checking the Fluid Level
Changing the Filter Element
Checking the Oil Level
Changing the Oil and Filter (412S)
Changing the Oil and Filter (414S/416S)
Changing the Oil and Filter
Front and Rear Axles
Checking the Oil Level
Changing the Oil
Checking the Oil Level
Changing the Oil and Filter
Checking the Oil Level (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Changing the Oil and Filter (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Checking the Oil Level (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Changing the Oil and Filter (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Fuel System
Types of Fuel
Draining the Fuel Filter
Changing the Fuel Filter Element
Draining the Sedimenter Bowl
Cleaning the Sedimenter Bowl
Bleeding the System
Draining the Fuel Filter (Spin-on)
Changing the Fuel Filter Element (Spin- on)
Fuel Lift Pump
Draining the Fuel Filter (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Changing the Fuel Filter (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Draining the Fuel Sedimenter (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Cleaning the Sedimenter Bowl
Draining the Fuel Sedimenter (412S from Serial No. 535705)
Changing the Sedimenter Filter (412S from Serial No. 535705)
Bleeding the Fuel System (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Fuel Pipes (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Draining the Sedimenter Bowl (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Cleaning the Sedimenter Bowl (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Draining the Fuel Filter (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Changing the Fuel Filter Element (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Bleeding the System (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Cooling System
Checking the Coolant Level
Coolant Mixtures
Changing the Coolant
Changing the Coolant
Checking the Coolant (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Coolant Mixtures
Changing the Coolant (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Checking the Coolant Level (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Coolant Mixtures (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Changing the Coolant (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Fan Belts
Adjusting the Fan Belt
Air Conditioning Compressor Drive Belt
Inspection and Belt Tension (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Adjusting the Compressor Belt (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Cab Heater Filters
Cleaning the Intake Filter (Early Machines)
Cleaning the Intake Filter (Later Machines)
Cleaning the Recirculation Filters
Cleaning the Intake Filter
Cleaning the Recirculation Filter
Air Filter
Changing the Elements
Changing the Elements
Changing the Air Filter Elements (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Changing the Air Filter Elements (414S from Serial No. 537400 and 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Routine Maintenance (412S from Serial No. 1242000)
Service Requirements
Owner/Operator Support
Service/Maintenance Agreements
Initial Service and Inspection (100 Hours)
Lifting Regulations - Inspections and Tests
Obtaining Replacement Parts
Health and Safety
First Aid - Electrolyte
Service Schedules
Lubricants and Capacities
Cleaning the Machine
Checking for Damage
Checking the Seat Belt Condition and Security
Shovel Pivot Pins
Loader Arm Pivot Points
Centre Pivot
Rear Axle Pivots
Steer Rams
Automatic Greasing System
Grease Points
Filling the Reservoir
Testing the System
Replacing the Fill Point Filter
System Controls
Engine Covers
Opening and Closing the Engine Covers
Rear Grille
Opening the Rear Grille
Closing the Rear Grille
Heater Door
Opening the Heater Door
Closing the Heater Door
Checking the ROPS/FOPS Structure
Articulation Lock
Installing the Articulation Lock
Removing the Articulation Lock
Loader Arm Safety strut
Installing the Safety Strut
Removing the Safety Strut
Electrical System
Jump Starting The Engine
Checking the Oil Level
Changing the Oil and Filter
Cooling System
Checking the Coolant Level
Coolant Mixtures
Draining and Refilling the Coolant
Air Filter
Front End Accessory Drive Belt
Fuel System
Types of Fuel
Filling the Tank
Draining the Water Separator and Fuel Filter
Changing the Water Separator Filter
Cleaning Water Sediment Pump
Changing the Engine Fuel Filter Element
Priming the System
Hydraulic System
Checking the Fluid Level
Changing the Filter Element
Checking the Oil Level (Engine Running)
Changing the Oil and Filter
Front and Rear Axles
Checking the Differential Oil Level
Draining and Refilling the Differential Oil
Checking the Hub Oil Level
Draining and Refilling the Hub Oil
Tyres and Wheels
Tyre Inflation
Checking the Wheel Nut Torques
Windscreen Washers
Cab Heater Filters
Cleaning the Intake Filter
Routine Maintenance (414S from Serial No. 1242500, 416S from 1243500)
Service Requirements
Owner/Operator Support
Service/Maintenance Agreements
Initial Service and Inspection (100 Hours)
Lifting Regulations - Inspections and Tests
Obtaining Replacement Parts
Health and Safety
First Aid - Electrolyte
Service Schedules
How to Use the Service Schedules
Pre-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels
Lubricants and Capacities
Cleaning the Machine
Checking for Damage
Seat Belt
Checking the Seat Belt Condition and Security
Shovel Pivot Pins
Loader Arm Pivot Points
Centre Pivot
Steer Rams
Automatic Greasing System
Grease Points
Filling the Reservoir
Testing the System
Replacing the Fill Point Filter
System Controls
Access Panels
Opening and Closing the Engine Covers
Opening the Rear Grille
Closing the Rear Grille
Opening the Heater Door
Closing the Heater Door
Checking the ROPS/FOPS Structure
Articulation Lock
Installing the Articulation Lock
Removing the Articulation Lock
Loader Arm Safety strut
Installing the Safety Strut
Removing the Safety Strut
Electrical System
Battery Isolator
Jump Starting the Engine
Checking the Oil Level
Changing the Oil and Filter
Cooling System
Checking the Coolant Level
Coolant Mixtures
Draining and Refilling the Coolant
Air Filter
Engine Drive Belt
Fuel System
Types of Fuel
Filling the Tank
Draining the Fuel Filter
Changing the Suction Side Fuel Filter Element
Changing the Pressure Side Fuel Filter Element
Priming the Fuel System
Hydraulic System
Checking the Fluid Level
Changing the Filter Element
Checking the Oil Level (Engine Running)
Changing the Oil and Filter
Checking the Differential Oil Level
Draining and Refilling the Differential Oil
Checking the Hub Oil Level
Draining and Refilling the Hub Oil
Tyres and Wheels
Tyre Inflation
Checking the Wheel Nut Torques
Heating and Ventilation
Cleaning the Cab Intake Filter
Front Window Washers
Routine Maintenance (412S from Serial No. 1421800)
Service Requirements
Owner/Operator Support
Service/Maintenance Agreements
Initial Service and Inspection (100 Hours)
Lifting Regulations - Inspections and Tests
Obtaining Replacement Parts
Health and Safety
First Aid - Electrolyte
Service Schedules
How to Use the Service Schedules
Pre-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels
Lubricants and Capacities
Cleaning the Machine
Checking for Damage
Seat Belt
Checking the Seat Belt Condition and Security
Shovel Pivot Pins
Loader Arm Pivot Points
Centre Pivot
Steer Rams
Automatic Greasing System
Grease Points
Filling the Reservoir
Testing the System
Replacing the Fill Point Filter
System Controls
Access Panels
Opening and Closing the Engine Covers
Opening the Rear Grille
Closing the Rear Grille
Opening the Heater Door
Closing the Heater Door
Checking the ROPS/FOPS Structure
Articulation Lock
Installing the Articulation Lock
Removing the Articulation Lock
Loader Arm Safety strut
Installing the Safety Strut
Removing the Safety Strut
Electrical System
Battery Isolator
Jump Starting the Engine
24 - 12 Volt Power Distribution Board
Engine Air Filter
Cleaning the Air Filter Dust Valve
Changing the Elements
Checking the Oil Level
Changing the Oil and Filter
Coolant Mixtures
Checking the Coolant Level
Changing the Coolant
Crankcase Ventilation
Front End Accessory Drive Belt
Fuel System
Acceptable and Unacceptable Fuels
Sulphur Content
Effects of Fuel Contaminates
Filling the Tank
Draining the Water Seperator and Engine Fuel Filter
Changing the Water Seperator Pre-Filter
Changing the Engine Fuel Filter Element
Bleeding the System
Hydraulic System
Checking the Fluid Level
Changing the Filter Element
Checking the Oil Level (Engine Running)
Changing the Oil and Filter
Checking the Differential Oil Level
Draining and Refilling the Differential Oil
Checking the Hub Oil Level
Draining and Refilling the Hub Oil
Tyres and Wheels
Tyre Inflation
Checking the Wheel Nut Torques
Heating and Ventilation
Cleaning the Cab Intake Filter
Front Window Washers
Section B - Body and Framework
Body and Framework
Technical Data
Air Conditioning Option
Direct Glazing
ROP/FOPS Structure
Removal and Replacement
Centre Pivot
Removal and Replacement
Rivet Nuts
Fitting Procedure
Basic Operation
Air Conditioning
R134a Refrigerant
System Operation
System Control
Safety Procedures
Fault Finding
Air Conditioning
Visual Inspection
System Diagnosis
Service Procedures
Air Conditioning
Checking Refrigerant Charge Level
Leak Testing
Tightening Leaking Hoses
Refrigerant Charging and Discharging
Pressure Switch Assembly
Adjusting the Compressor Drive Belt
Air Conditioning
Early Type
The Air Conditioning Unit
The Blower Unit
Later Type
The Air Conditioning Unit
The Blower Motor
Cooling Pack
Introduction (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Removal and Replacement (412S from Serial No. 535650)
Introduction (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Removal and Replacement (414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250)
Section C - Electrics
Technical Data
General Electrical Data
Fuses and Relays
Fuses, 412S to serial no. 535116
Relays, 412S to serial no. 535116
Fuses, 412S from 535117, 414S from 537001
Relays, 412S from 535117, 414S from 537001
Fuses, 412S to 535499, 414S to 537299
Relays, 412S to 535499, 414S to 537299
Fuses, 416S to 543099
Relays, 416S to 543099
Fuses, 412S from 535500, 414S 537300- 537399, 416S 543100-543249
Primary Fuses, 412S from 535500, 414S 537300-537399, 416S 543100-543249
Relays, 412S from 535500, 414S 537300- 537399, 416S 543100-543249
Diagnostic Connectors, 412S from 535500, 414S 537300-537399, 416S 543100-543249
Fuses, 414S 537400-1242499, 416S 543250-1243499
Primary Fuses, 414S 537400-1242499, 416S 543250-1243499
Relays, 414S 537400-1242499, 416S 543250-1243499
Diagnostic Connectors, 414S 537400- 1242499, 416S 543250-1243499
Fuses and Relays, 412S from Serial No. 1242000
Fuses and Relays, 412S from Serial No. 1421800
Fuses and Relays - 414S from 1242500, 416S from 1243500
Test Methods
Using a Multimeter
Measuring DC Voltage
Measuring Resistance
Measuring Continuity
Measuring Frequency
Testing a Diode or a Diode Wire
Battery, Alternator and Starter Motor
First Aid - Electrolyte
Specific Gravity Testing
General Description
Service Precautions
Charging Circuit Test
Alternator Charging Test
Removal and Replacement
Dismantling and Assembling
Starter Motor
Starting Circuit Test
Starter Motor
Removal and Replacement
Servicing and Renewal
Circuit Diagrams
412S machines up to Serial No. 535116
Main Components
412S machines from Serial No. 535117
Main Components
Main Components
414S machines
Main Components
Main Components
412S machines from Serial No. 535375
Main Components
Main Components
Main Components
Main Components
414S machines from Serial No. 537194
Main Components
Main Components
Main Components
Main Components
412S from 535500 to 1421799, 414S from 537300 to 1242499, 416S from 543100 to 1243499
Main Components
Main Components
Main Components
Main Components
Main Components
Main Components
Main Components
412S from Serial No. 1421800
Primary Fuses, Ignition Switch and Ignition Relays
ZF Computer and Gearbox Controller
Engine ECU (ECM)
Front Wipe, Rear Wipe, Heater/Air Conditioning and Heated Rear Screen
Front and Rear Worklights and Beacon
Radio, Cigar Lighter, CCTV and Tow Hitch
ESOS, Heated Mirrors,Seat, Reverse Fan and Emergency Steer
12 Volt Trailer Electrics and Loader Functions
Loader Auxiliaries (Proportional)
Earthing - Cab and Cab Roof
414S and 416S from March 2006
Primary Fuses, Ignition Switch and Ignition Relays
ZF Computer and Gearbox Controller
Engine ECU (ECM)
Front Wipe, Rear Wipe, Heater/Air Conditioning and Heated Rear Screen
Front and Rear Worklights and Beacon
Radio, Cigar Lighter, CCTV and Tow Hitch
ESOS, Heated Mirrors,Seat, Reverse Fan and Emergency Steer
12 Volt Trailer Electrics and Loader Functions
Loader Auxiliaries (Proportional)
Earthing - Cab and Cab Roof
Fault Finding
Introduction to Fault - Finding Techniques
Harness Routing
Example of Wire Tracing
Harness Data
Wire and Harness Number Identification
Wire Numbers and Functions
412S to Ser. No. 1421799, 414S to Ser. No. 1242499, 416S to Ser. No. 1243499
Side Console Harness
Rear Chassis Harness
Cab Roof Harness
Front Chassis Harness
Rear Cab Harness
Front Chassis Harness
Rear Chassis Harness
Side Console Harness
Rear Cab Harness
Cab Roof Harness
Controller Harness
Rear Grille Harness
Under Bonnet Light Harness
Front Chassis Harness A & B
Rear Cab Harness A & B
Rear Chassis Harness A
Rear Chassis Harness B
Side Console Harness A
Side Console Harness B
Cab Roof Harness A & B
Front Chassis Harness
Rear Chassis Harness
Rear Chassis Harness
Rear Chassis Harness
Rear Chassis Harness
Rear Chassis Harness
Rear Chassis Harness
Rear Chassis Harness
Rear Chassis Harness
Side Console Harness
Side Console Harness
Side Console Harness
Side Console Harness (From March `98)
Side Console Harness (From March `98)
Side Console Harness (From March `98)
Rear Cab Harness
Cab Roof Harness
Cab Roof Harness (From March `98)
Controller Harness
Rear Grille Harness
Under Bonnet Harness
Front Chassis Harness HT
Rear Chassis Harness
Side Console Harness
Side Console Harness
Side Console Harness
Side Console Harness
Rear Cab Harness
Cab Roof Harness
Engine Harness
Transmission Harness
Canopy Harness
Canopy Harness
Canopy Harness
Canopy Fuse Box Harness
Canopy Fuse Box Harness
Canopy Fuse Box Harness
412S from Serial No. 1421800
Cab Roof Interior Harness
Cab Roof Exterior Front Harness
Cab Roof Exterior Rear Harness
Cab Harness
Rear Cab Harness
Seat Link Harness
Transmission Harness
Front Chassis Harness
Rear Chassis
Engine Harness
Throttle Link Harness
Proportional Auxiliary Harness
Rear Grille Harness
Trailer Electrics
414S from Serial No. 1242500, 416S from Serial No. 1243500
Cab Roof Interior Harness
Cab Roof Exterior Front Harness
Cab Roof Exterior Rear Harness
Cab Harness
Rear Cab Harness
Transmission Harness
Front Chassis Harness
Rear Chassis
Engine Harness
Throttle Link Harness
Proportional Auxiliary Harness
Rear Grille Harness
Trailer Electrics
CAN Backbone Harness
Electronic Monitoring System
EMS Information
System Identification
Connecting up the Laptop
Before Starting Service
On completion of Service
HC11 EMS - Software
Installation from Techweb
Transfer New Program
Serial Number
Log Data
Fault Limit Settings
Connection of Interrogation Lead
C164 EMS
EMS Tools
Flash Loader Program
Set-up Program
Diagnostic Program
Service History Program
Data Logger Program
Connecting the Interrogation Lead
Section E - Hydraulics
Technical Data
412S and 414S Machines
416S Machines
Loader Valve
Basic System and Operation
General Description
Circuit Diagrams
Component Key
414S from serial No. 1242500
Component Key
Component Key
416S from Serial No. 543250 (Tier II)
Component Key
416S from Serial No. 1243500 (Tier III)
Component Key
Loader Valve
Loader Valve - Arms Raise/Lower
Loader Valve - Shovel Float
Loader Valve - Shovel Tip (Regenerative Spool)
Loader Valve - Shovel Return
Load Hold Check Valve
Loader Valve - Auxiliary Services
Auxiliary Relief Valve (A.R.V.) Operation
Pressure relief
Anti -cavitation
Main Relief Valve (M.R.V.) Operation
Loader Valve - Unloader Operation 1
Loader Valve - Unloader Operation 2
Pump Pressure/Flow Regulator Valves
Start Up
Hydraulic Service Operated
Minimum Flow/Maximum Pressure
Start Up Valve
Servo Control Valve
Auxiliary Servo Control Valve - Neutral
Auxiliary Servo Control Valve - Operation
Main Servo Control Valve - Neutral
Main Servo Control Valve - Operation
Main Servo Control Valve
Flow Metering 1
Flow Metering 2
Flow Metering 3
Flow Metering 4
Pressure Testing
Loader Valve
Main Relief Valve (M.R.V. P2 Circuit)
Steer Relief Valve
Unloader Valve
Main Relief Valve (M.R.V. P1 Circuit)
Servo Pressure
Loader Valve - Pressure Testing
Loader A.R.V. (Using Hand Pump)
Loader Valve
Checking Standby Pressure
Checking Maximum Pressure
Checking Steering Relief Valve Pressure
Two - Set Shovel Ram, Head Side
Checking the Servo Pressure
Pressure Testing the Loader Valve A.R.V.s Using a Hand Pump
416S Machines from S/N: 543250
Loader Valve
Checking Standby Pressure
Checking Maximum Pressure
Idle Control Setting
Automatic Carry Control System (ACCS)
Hydraulic Circuit
Maintenance Safety
Hydraulic Pump ('Ultra' type)
Removal and Replacement
When Removing
When Replacing
Replacing the Pressure/Flow Regulator
Renewing Drive Shaft Seal
Dismantling, Inspecting and Assembly
Loader Valve Block
Dismantling and Assembly
Servo Joystick
Removal and Replacement
Fitting Auxiliary Lever
Schematic Circuits
Introduction to Hydraulic Schematic Symbols
General (Basic and Functional Symbols)
Control Valves
Example of Schematic Circuit
Typical Ram
Typical Ram
Section F - Transmission
Technical Data
412S, 414S, 416S
412S Drive Axle - Front & Rear
414S, 416S Drive Axle - Front & Rear
Stall Testing
Towing Procedure
Preparation for Towing
Powershift Transmission - 412S
Dismantling and Assembly
Control Valve - Dismantling
Control Valve - Assembly
Converter Compartment
Clutch K3/K4 - Dismantling
Clutch K3/K4 - Assembly
Final Drive - Dismantling
Final Drive - Assembly
Gearbox - Assembly
Converter Compartment - Assembly
Control Valve
Charge Pump
Coaxial Power Take-off
Lateral Power Take-off
Final Drive
Multi-Disc Clutches
Clutch K4/K3
Clutch KR/K2
Clutch KV/K1
Emergency Steering Pump
Powershift Transmission (Smoothshift)
Main Components - WG 110
Main Components - WG 160
Oil Circulation Schematic - WG 110/160
Power Flow - Forward Speeds - WG 110/160
Power Flow - Reverse Speeds - WG 110/160
Test points and connections - WG 110
Test points and connections - WG 160
Electro-Hydraulic Shift Control - WG 110/160
Dismantling and Assembly Information - WG 110/160
WG 160
Dismantling and Assembly
Hydraulic Control Unit -
Functional Testing
Test Procedure
Fault Finding
Fault Codes (WG-110/160)
Transmission Error Codes
Definition of Operating Modes
Transmission Fault Codes
Removal and Replacement (412S/414S)
Replacement of Loader Arm Control Transmission Dump and Kickdown Switches
Replacement of Wiring to Kick down and Transmission Dump Switches
Removal and Replacement of Control Lever
Front Axle
Rear Axle
Drive Head
Crown Wheel and Pinion
Correct tooth marking
Pinion too deeply in mesh
Pinion too far out of mesh
Limited Slip Differential
Dismantling and Assembly
Differential Oil Seal
Removal and Replacement
Axle Hub and Driveshaft - Dismantling
PD 70
Axle Hub and Driveshaft - Assembly
PD 70
Axle Hub and Driveshaft - Dismantling
PD 90
Axle Hub and Driveshaft - Assembly
PD 90
Brakes - Dismantling
Brakes - Assembly
Section G - Brakes
Technical Data
412S, 414S
Brake Circuits, Valves and Pedals
Brake Circuit Description 412S, 414S
Brake Valves 412S, 414S
Removal and Replacement
Brake Valve Setting
Dismantling and Assembly
Brake System Testing
Charge Valve 412S, 414S
Removal and Replacement
Dismantling and Assembly
Brake Pedal 412S, 414S
Removal and Replacement
Bleeding the System
Brake Circuit Description 416S
Brake Valve 416S
Removal and Replacement
Dismantling and Assembly
Brake Pressure Setting
System Testing 416S
Testing the System Pressure (Stored Accumulator Pressure)
Testing the System Pressure (Brake Pump Test Point)
Brake Pedal 416S
Removal and Replacement
Bleeding the System 416S
Park Brake
(Type 1)
Adjusting the Park Brake
Adjusting the Brake Pads
Adjusting the Cable Slack
Renewing the Brake Pads
Dismantling and Assembly
(Type 2)
Adjusting the Park Brake
Adjusting the Cable Slack
Renewing the Brake Pads
Park Brake (Pre-Smoothshift Transmission)
Testing the Park Brake
Park Brake (Smoothshift Transmission)
Testing the Park Brake
Charging the Accumulators
System Operation
Section H - Hydraulic Steering
Hydraulic Steering
Technical Data
412S, 414S, 416S
General Description
Hydraulic Steering Unit
Steering Valve - Operation 1
Steering Valve - Operation 2 (R. H. turn)
Steering Valve - Operation 3 (L. H. turn)
Steering Shock Valve
Section K - Engine
Technical Data
412S, 414S and 416S
412S from Serial No. 535650 (RJ Build)
414S from Serial No. 537400 & 416S from Serial No. 543250
414S from Serial No. 1242500, 416S from Serial No. 1243500
412S from Serial No. 1242000
Unit Identification
Specifications Tier 2
412S from Serial No. 1421800
Unit Identification
Specifications Tier 3