This service training manual PDF download for the BW 216 D-3 / BW 216 DH-3 / BW 216 PDH-3 / BW 219 DH-3 / BW 219 PDH-3 / BW 225 D-3 / BW 225 PD-3 of generation 3 Bomag Single Drum Rollers has easy-to-read text sections with top quality diagrams, pictures and illustrations. The step by step instructions show you how to fault find or complete any repair or overhaul, correctly and efficiently, saving time and avoiding costly mistakes.
Bomag BW 216 D-3
Bomag BW 216 DH-3
Bomag BW 216 PDH-3
Bomag BW 219 DH-3
Bomag BW 219 PDH-3
Bomag BW 225 D-3
Bomag BW 225 PD-3
List of components
Technical data
- BW 216 D-3
- BW 216 DH-3
- BW 216 PDH-3
- BW 219 DH-3
- BW 219 PDH-3
- BW 225 D-3
- BW 225 PD-3
- Maintenance table
Deutz Diesel engine
- Checking and adjusting the valve clearance
- Assembly of single injection pumps
Travel system
- Travel pump
- Axle drive motor
- Drum drive motor with reduction gear
- Brake control
- Trouble shooting
Vibration system
- Vibration pump
- Vibration motor
- Drum
- Trouble shooting
- Steering/charge pump
- Steering valve
- Articulated joint
- Trouble shooting
Electric system
Electric diagram
- 001-circuit diagram
- 002-supply, heating unit, socket
- 003-starting unit
- 005-frequency meter, tachograph, speedometer
- 006-driving, speed ranges and brakes
- 007-vibration, speed control
- 008-anti spin control, steering
- 009-variocontrol
- 010-omegameter, terrameter
- 011-sprinkler system
- 012-illumination, working head lights, StvZO
- 013-cabin, air conditioning
- 014-assembling unit vibration plates
- 101-component listing
- 201-e-box
Hydraulic schematics
- BW 216 DH/PDH-3
- BW 219 DH/PDH-3
- BW 225 D/PD-3
File Format : PDF
Language : English
Printable : Yes
Searchable : Yes
Bookmarked : Yes
Part-No. : 008 098 29
Total Pages : 217
This service training manual PDF download has been prepared as an aid to improve the quality of repairs by giving the serviceman an accurate understanding of the product and by showing him the correct way to perform repairs and make judgements. Make sure you understand the contents of this manual and use it to full effect at every opportunity.
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